Kathleen Coughlan neé Brosnan

Kathleen Brosnan (age 30/31) married Charles Coughlan (age 30) on 24th April 1917 in St Finbarrs South, Dunbar St, Cork Click for Marriage records

Lived at 14 Barrack St, Cork at the time of her Marriage with her sister Margaret. Her parents were Michael Brosnan (b.1857) and Nora/Hanorah O’Connor (b.1864) of Tralee.

Listed as a border at 2 Camden Quay Cork (Boarding House) for the 1911 Census; Occupation : Typist, From : Co. Kerry; Age 25.
Also listed boarding in the same house is a Martha Brosnan; Occupation : dressmaker from Co Kerry age 20. Martha was her sister.
Click for Census link

This is the census record for Kathleen Brosnan in 1901
Click for census record.

Kathleens family lived in Rocket Lane, Tralee
Her parents were Michael (b.1857) and Hanorah Brosnan neé O’Connor (b.Sept 14 1861). Kathleen was one of 9 girls and 3 boys.

Her family appear at the same address in 1911 but without Hanorah (mother) present. They also had a cow shed, a pig shed and a chicken shed.
Hanorah appears on this Census record with three of the other children. Click for Census Record This house 15 Abbey Street is listed as a 1st Class house and is now a restaurant. Rocket Lane no longer exists.

According to multiple family sources the Brosnan family owned up to 12/14 properties in the town and rented many of them out as well as running businesses in them.

43,44 and 45 Bridge St are some of the properties owned.

15 Abbey St and 44 Bridge St Tralee … as they look today

This is a photo of Mary Brosnan. Working at 45 Bridge St for her Aunt Nora Brosnan. Nora Brosnan was Kathleen Brosnans sister.

According to family sources all the children were given one of the family businesses to run.

Martin Joseph Brosnan b. October 4th 1883 m. Mollie Brosnan
Catherine (Kathleen) Mary Brosnan b. Jan 18th 1885 Castle St. Tralee d. Nov 19th 1955 Godparents Thomas O’Connor and Hanora O’Connor
Anne Mary Josepha Brosnan b March 16th 1887
Mary Martha Brosnan b. July 29th 1888 m. John (Black Jack) Finn
Eileen Mary Brosnan b. Aug 28th 1889 d. 1963
Christina Mary Brosnan b. January 5th 1891 m. Denis Shields
James Joseph (Jim) Brosnan b. April 2nd 1892 m. Jane Scott d. 1958
Margaret Mary Reta Brosnan b. June 1st 1893
Dominick Brosnan b. September 25th 1894 m. Alice Kelly d. 1971
Hannah Mary Brosnan b. November 14th 1895
Honora Mary Brosnan b. February 20th 1897
Thomas (Tommy) John Brosnan b. June 15th 1898 m. Annie Glennon d. 1970
Barbara Mary Brosnan b. August 20th 1900
Lizzie Brosnan b. 1901 m Alexander Cronin
Brendan Joseph Brosnan b. February 23rd 1906 d. 1983

Rita Brosnan